Yes, I know I am a day behind, but I actually used yesterday to to start organizing and rearranging. I took all my Christmas decorations down and packed them away. I even hauled myself up into the attic to arrange the boxes we have stored up there, so that I could make room for more. (That sounds sad doesn't it. I had to rearrange stuff to make room for more stuff.) Elijah is growing out of most of his baby items, but I don't want to sell or donate them in case God blesses us with another child so up to the attic they go. Anyways....
I spent some time yesterday reading about everybody's new year resolutions or Word of the Year. I'm not a big resolution person, but I actually like the idea of a Word for the Year. I thought about it all day yesterday and have come up with CONTENTMENT. This is an area of my life that needs some work. I pray that God will work on me in this area of my life this coming year.
I pray that he will teach me to be content with:
- being a stay-at-home mom
- the person he has made me to be
- what he has blessed me with
- my abilities
- this season of life
Are there changes I want to make? Are there changes I need to make? SURE, but I pray that no matter what the future holds, God will help me be content with where he has me at in life.
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