Saturday, July 27, 2013

Scripture Saturday

We have read Bible stories to our son, Elijah, since he was born. Recently, we noticed he could almost remember his Bible stories word-for-word. His favorite is Joshua's Shout. One night my husband was reading it to him and stopped in the middle of the sentence. Elijah, 2-years-old, just preceded to finish it for him. We both just looked at each other. So.....Mitchell started to just randomly stop at points in the story. Every time Elijah could say the next line word-for-word. It totally amazed us(even though you hear all the time how much little minds can absorb) how much he was able to memorize.

 This got us to thinking. If he can memorize Bible stories, then we should be using this opportunity to teach him scripture. It is never too early to learn God's word. We recently had read and studied, "Shepherding a Child's Heart". He speaks about the importance of teaching little ones to obey their parents. We have to get that instilled in them at an early age, so we decided to start Elijah's scripture learning with Ephesians 6:1.

"Children obey your parents, in the Lord, for this is right."

Within three or four nights he has been able to quote this back to us word for word. Truly amazing! We will definitely be building on this. It is NEVER to early to teach your children about God and the wonderful story of His love for us. Get started today!