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via Living Locurto
Now that I had an idea in my head, it was time to start.
Step 1: Cut off the bottom of your box or open up the bottom of your box and hot glue all the corners together. This will make your box taller and is what I did.
Step 2: Decide what two sides will be your front and back. Draw the design on your barn top on the front and back pieces. I did this by folding in one of the side pieces to my desired angle and drawing a line where the side and front piece met. Then I measured off my angle and transferred those measurements to the other side of my front and to the back piece of cardboard. ( I hope that makes since. I'm not a math person and am not good at explaining math.) Then I cut out the shape of the front and back of the barn.
Step 3: Assemble the top of your barn by hot glueing the sides to the front and back pieces. This is going to leave you with a hole at the very top.
Step 4: Measure your hole and use an another piece of cardboard to fill the gap. If you cut off the bottom of your box, you could use one of those pieces.
Step 5: Now it is time to cut out all your designs. My barn is going to have a door and a window. On the door, I cut off a strip of cardboard on the bottom so the door would open and close smoother.
Step 6: Here comes the fun part, PAINTING! I love to paint! For the barn's body, I painted it completely red. Then I went back with a dry brush and very lightly brushed on some black paint to give it a real feeling. Finally, I used dry brushes to paint light brown and black stripes to create the allusion of boards and knots in the wood.
Step 7: For the roof, I painted it completely brown. Then I created shingles using black paint. I also dry brushed some black in the shingles.
Step 8: My last step, was to take white paint and create the outline of the door and window. Oh, yeah, I also went to Lowe's and bought a really cheap rustic door handle for the door. Elijah LOVES to go inside his barn, shut the door, and have you knock on the door! Super fun!
(After my son played with it for a while, I went back and cut out a tunnel hole on the other side of the barn. I also added a handle on the inside of the door, a cardboard horseshoe on the front, and a weathervane on the top.)